Diera globalisasi ini hal tersebut sah-sah saja asalkan kita tetap dianggap sebagai tuan rumah yang dihormati dan mendapatkan hak-hak kita.
Okto Maniani
Jln. 12/78 Pramuka Street – Jakarta 11010
Phone : (021) 111 111
E-mail : oktomaniani@blabla.com
March, 20 2015
To :
The Director of English First Jakarta
B Build A 7-111, Jakarta 15811
Phone : (021) 000 000
According to the advertisement at berniaga.com on March 21, 2015, I am really interested in applying this position as a Course
Consultant in English First due to my qualified background as you requires.
I have a fluent ability in both spoken and written English
because I am the youngest English teacher at SMA 01 Jakarta. I won many English
debates when I was in senior high school. For further details, you will be
fascinated if you read my resume. Furthermore, I have been living around Jakarta
since teaching English in Jakarta. This may be a good chance for me to
concentrate in this position.
I look forward to meeting you and am encouraged to be
interviewed soon. I can be reached at the above phone number. Finally, I
greatly appreciate your consideration. Thankyou so much.
Sincerely yours,
Okto Maniani
Artikel berkaitan lainnya; contoh surat lamaran bagian administrasi, contoh surat lamaran kerja SMA, contoh surat lamaran mekanik.
Artikel berkaitan lainnya; contoh surat lamaran bagian administrasi, contoh surat lamaran kerja SMA, contoh surat lamaran mekanik.
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